At Corrigan Pickups we very much believe in supporting artists and sharing what they do, and if we can build a working relationship even better!
That is exactly what an endorsement is, it’s a business relationship between us and you. We want to help you grow as an artist to the greatest of our ability. Similarly we want our artists to help promote the brand and even more importantly to us, believe in what we’re trying to do.
So what would we want from you to begin this arrangement? Simply reach out to us through the form below and provide as much info about yourself as possible. These could include:

- Links to your Social Media
- Links to your band and or music (Websites, YouTube, Spotify, see the example to the right)
- A short bio about yourself and why you think we’d be a good match for you and vice versa.
- Any current endorsements you may have with other brands (Yes, this can even include other Pickup brands! If Steve Stevens can work with multiple bands, why not you?!)
- If you have played any of our pickups, which ones and why do you enjoy them?
These are just some ideas, feel free to send anything and everything! If you have any kind of Press Pack together already, send that too.
We deeply enjoy working with bands and independent artists alike regardless of their location or Genre.
So what are you waiting for!? Let’s get the ball rolling.