Brian James – Baritone Goat Studio

played in a full-time post-hardcore band in Northern California before going to grad school in 2008 and obtaining a master's degree in Archaeology. After building a career in cultural resources management, he decided to take the technical experience amassed over the years to build a YouTube channel based on everything guitars and recording.
While the primary emphasis of Baritone Goat Studio is on high gain tones, sometimes the classic rock and blues influence pops up! As the name of the channel suggests, low tuned and baritone guitars are featured, but some of his favorite tones and riffs come from guitars tuned to E Standard. Brian features various guitar mod projects on his channel and through his work as a guitar tech has become interested in pickup designs and the various tonal combinations that exist between different models. Check out his content to see demos, reviews and mod projects focusing on everything from analog pedals, tube amps, and in-the-room speaker tones to fully digital tone shaping using various plugins.

Brian is currently sporting a custom set of MK2 and P.A.D. CS pickups with dual Alnico 5 magnets and stressed nickel cover with gold hex poles to match the look of his PRS McCarty 594 SE.